Friendster Layouts

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why 'Nice Guys' NEVER Get The Girl

did You ever noticed something really 'STRANGE' about women?

 1) The most attractive and interesting women ALWAYS seem
  to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?

2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she will act
  like "just a FRIEND" to you? Sometimes they even despise
  you for that.
seriously ! most gurls do that....

What's going on here? Didn't your mommy say to you years
ago that you should be "NICE" to all girls?
especially my mom. oh god!  

 I tell you exactly whats going on bro:

Women AREN'T usually romantically attracted to "nice"
guys, or just to be straight forward wussies. Women are
attracted to MEN who are funny, confident, and mysterious.
thats why no one know my secret ...haha

 Good looks certainly don't hurt like me, but if you ain't 6'2" tall ( im more than that ),
handsome ( of course )and buff, then you guys , have to make use
of your personality ...  

But really, being "nice" ISN'T going to do cut it with women

"How come all the women they have dated, married, and

beaten up are ALSO RICH AND FAMOUS?"

 These are supermodels and playmates of the year and such.
These women can date whoever they want. Tommy Lee was even
MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND Pamela Anderson.

 They didn't need Tommy Lee for his bank account or his fame
man ... they are obviously dating these guys for

You following me?

 So what's the big deal here? And more importantly,
how can you use this information to be more successful
with women and dating?

 You have to understand the following:

1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about
 whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if
 he is suitable for a relationship. But once her decision
 is made, it will stay that way!

2) These decisions are made "subconsciously",
 meaning that women make all of them quickly and and
 automatically! They aren't even aware of it, they just DO it
 ... and that's within minutes.

3) But, If you know how, you can make her feel 'attracted'
 to you instead of her having 'friends' feelings towards you.

4) I know you don't wanna be her friend, you want her to be
 your girlfriend and have sex with her right? The first way to do
 that is to stop acting "nice" and start acting, well... something
 else, and I DON'T mean "not nice". The whole idea is making
 it FUN and her life boring without you.

 So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly?

 For starters, there are certain qualities you have to adopt:
Be funny & witty, be confident & ballsy and be mysterious.

 Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that
. Remember that.

 Remember when you had your first driving lesson? It made
perfect sense when you started out ... turn the wheel left
and go left, turn it right and go right.

 But do you remember when you had to learn how to back up and
how to do a reverse parking? Man, this was a whole thing.
Everything that used to work now works in a

 It does take little time to get the hang of it, but once you
DO, then you can do it ANYTIME you want.

Now, women are
VERY similar. At first it might be confusing.
You have to try things that don't seem to make sense but
again once you get the hang of it and actually see what works,
you can do it anytime ...

Just like trying to reverse park that car into
that darn small spot!

 As much as many women would hate to admit it,
there's something very
ATTRACTIVE about a man who
is just a little more confident than he should be.

 If you are able to tweak this into being 'cheeky', then my
friend you have the ultimate trait to play with those girls you
always wanted!

Here are a few ways to use this idea:

1) When you meet a girl the first time, tease her about
 something. Here's an example, say: "Sooo tell me ...
 what's up with girls and the color pink? ... Oh I know,
 chocolate-discounts at the mall, ha ... you are such a girl"
 or "So ... when are we getting married?" or "Cool, you
 gonna buy me a drink then?".

 If you tease a woman, it shows that you're NOT INTIMIDATED
by her, that you have a fun sense of humor. And they can't
help but to LOVE it.

KEY: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you
don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test:
If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!

2) Be COOL. Look, don't act like you are on your first date.
 Women certainly don't want to be around a chump who acts like
 he's on a date with Jessica Simpson. Treat her like your bratty
 little sister and play with her.

 You see, attractive women are approached and hit on
all the time so you HAVE to be different here. This "just
a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women...
ESPECIALLY when it's combined with humor.

3) DON'T answer her a direct answer. Play around a bit.
 If she asks you questions such as "What do you do" or "Tell me
 something about yourself", then don't answer with something
 like "Oh yeah ... I'm a systems analyst" or "I'm the department
 manager of such and such".

 This just ISN'T interesting to women!

 Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants.
For instance, say "Yeah, I work in this escort agency where I
have to meet these rich women and give them a lift home in their
own car because they had too much to drink, Sexy job eh?."

 Do you get it? Keep it up and KEEP her laughing.

 It's important to remember that I'm not telling
you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm
telling you to START being confident, funny, and


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