Friendster Layouts

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why 'Nice Guys' NEVER Get The Girl

did You ever noticed something really 'STRANGE' about women?

 1) The most attractive and interesting women ALWAYS seem
  to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?

2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she will act
  like "just a FRIEND" to you? Sometimes they even despise
  you for that.
seriously ! most gurls do that....

What's going on here? Didn't your mommy say to you years
ago that you should be "NICE" to all girls?
especially my mom. oh god!  

 I tell you exactly whats going on bro:

Women AREN'T usually romantically attracted to "nice"
guys, or just to be straight forward wussies. Women are
attracted to MEN who are funny, confident, and mysterious.
thats why no one know my secret ...haha

 Good looks certainly don't hurt like me, but if you ain't 6'2" tall ( im more than that ),
handsome ( of course )and buff, then you guys , have to make use
of your personality ...  

But really, being "nice" ISN'T going to do cut it with women

"How come all the women they have dated, married, and

beaten up are ALSO RICH AND FAMOUS?"

 These are supermodels and playmates of the year and such.
These women can date whoever they want. Tommy Lee was even
MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND Pamela Anderson.

 They didn't need Tommy Lee for his bank account or his fame
man ... they are obviously dating these guys for

You following me?

 So what's the big deal here? And more importantly,
how can you use this information to be more successful
with women and dating?

 You have to understand the following:

1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about
 whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if
 he is suitable for a relationship. But once her decision
 is made, it will stay that way!

2) These decisions are made "subconsciously",
 meaning that women make all of them quickly and and
 automatically! They aren't even aware of it, they just DO it
 ... and that's within minutes.

3) But, If you know how, you can make her feel 'attracted'
 to you instead of her having 'friends' feelings towards you.

4) I know you don't wanna be her friend, you want her to be
 your girlfriend and have sex with her right? The first way to do
 that is to stop acting "nice" and start acting, well... something
 else, and I DON'T mean "not nice". The whole idea is making
 it FUN and her life boring without you.

 So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly?

 For starters, there are certain qualities you have to adopt:
Be funny & witty, be confident & ballsy and be mysterious.

 Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that
. Remember that.

 Remember when you had your first driving lesson? It made
perfect sense when you started out ... turn the wheel left
and go left, turn it right and go right.

 But do you remember when you had to learn how to back up and
how to do a reverse parking? Man, this was a whole thing.
Everything that used to work now works in a

 It does take little time to get the hang of it, but once you
DO, then you can do it ANYTIME you want.

Now, women are
VERY similar. At first it might be confusing.
You have to try things that don't seem to make sense but
again once you get the hang of it and actually see what works,
you can do it anytime ...

Just like trying to reverse park that car into
that darn small spot!

 As much as many women would hate to admit it,
there's something very
ATTRACTIVE about a man who
is just a little more confident than he should be.

 If you are able to tweak this into being 'cheeky', then my
friend you have the ultimate trait to play with those girls you
always wanted!

Here are a few ways to use this idea:

1) When you meet a girl the first time, tease her about
 something. Here's an example, say: "Sooo tell me ...
 what's up with girls and the color pink? ... Oh I know,
 chocolate-discounts at the mall, ha ... you are such a girl"
 or "So ... when are we getting married?" or "Cool, you
 gonna buy me a drink then?".

 If you tease a woman, it shows that you're NOT INTIMIDATED
by her, that you have a fun sense of humor. And they can't
help but to LOVE it.

KEY: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you
don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test:
If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!

2) Be COOL. Look, don't act like you are on your first date.
 Women certainly don't want to be around a chump who acts like
 he's on a date with Jessica Simpson. Treat her like your bratty
 little sister and play with her.

 You see, attractive women are approached and hit on
all the time so you HAVE to be different here. This "just
a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women...
ESPECIALLY when it's combined with humor.

3) DON'T answer her a direct answer. Play around a bit.
 If she asks you questions such as "What do you do" or "Tell me
 something about yourself", then don't answer with something
 like "Oh yeah ... I'm a systems analyst" or "I'm the department
 manager of such and such".

 This just ISN'T interesting to women!

 Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants.
For instance, say "Yeah, I work in this escort agency where I
have to meet these rich women and give them a lift home in their
own car because they had too much to drink, Sexy job eh?."

 Do you get it? Keep it up and KEEP her laughing.

 It's important to remember that I'm not telling
you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm
telling you to START being confident, funny, and


Number Numerology

If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1.

If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then you are number 2.

If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then you are number 3.

If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then you are number 4.

If you were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then you are number 5.

If you were born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month then you are number 6.

If you were born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month then you are number 7.

If you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month then you are number 8.

If you were born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month then you are number 9.


Number 1

You are smart, frank, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, friendly, and authoritative. Famous Person always want to be and regarded as First on position, they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people! You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get married when you mature! You are likely to have problems with peopl e who have opposite views and you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy, you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect you. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and talented in numerous issues!! But make sure in your life, you will always have some people who will work hard to support. Because of your smart behavior, you will be hated by some people too. Your family life is very cool; you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children. You are Pioneer, independent & Original.

Your best match is 4, 6, 8; good matches are 3, 5, 7.


Number 2

No matter what, you will be loved by every one because your ruler is the Moon and every one loves the Moon,huh!! Well, you are a person who daydream a lot. You have very low-self confidence, you need back up for every move in your life. You are very much unpredictable means you do change according to time and circumstances. Selfish and have a very strong sense of musical, artistic talent, and verbal communication. Your attitudes are like the Moon comes to Gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes in you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who is peace loving or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the mankind and peace. I mean in the community and your own home. If you really have a deep thought about your own, believe in God, you can feel the difference which will make you stronger! Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening. True! You can predict the situation. You will become poets, writers, or any artistic business 
people! You are not strong in love, so you will be there and here till you get marry. If you are a girl, you will be a responsible woman in the whole family. If you are a man, you will involve in fights and arguments in the family or vice-versa. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced people!!!

Your best match is 2, 5, and 9 no other people can put up with you!!!

Number 3

You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times, religious, loves to climb up in your life. You always tend to have 
lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything. You have strong word power, pretty happy face,so wherever you go, you always have got what you wanted!!! And from the birth you always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something. You will not get anything without hard work! When you reach a Man/Woman age! , you want other younger listen to you because you want younger people to respect older people. You do set so many examples to others. Generally you re not a cool person. It's not easy dealing with you! But once you like someone's attitude, then here you go. It will be a lasting friendship. You always have respect from others. Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but they won't be long. You will always have brilliant kids!!! You love money a bit too much so temptation will. Push you to endless trying. If you are a guy, you will be looking after your family and helping friends, and will spend a life time just being generous and (except 21st born Men) you will be such an example of how to be in the culture & Life!!! If you are girl, then it's your good character and hardworking attitude you always follow. You are a Freedom Lover, Creative Ambition focused who brings Beauty, Hope & Joy to this world!!!

Your best match are 6, 9; Good matches are 1, 3, 5.

Number 4

You are very stubborn and very hard working. You have rough word power which might put lots of people away from you. You may cause nuisance to others if you are a man. You often understand others well and their problems. If you are a girl you are very good with studies and arts. If you are guy you spend most of the time after girl friends. You will have fun life with mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get away with their life and you will become empty handed and don't know what to do, so be careful!! You love to spend anyway!!! Your good will is you are always there to help family and friends. You always fall in love in younger age as well. You need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart and beware of your relations too. You are practical, patient, persistent, a bit old-fashioned. 

You best matches are 1, 8; Good matches are 5, 6, 7.

Number 5

You are very popular within the community. You can get things done by just chatting to even enemies! You have a pretty good business mind. You are someone who acts on impulse. You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc. Very popular with sense of humor, you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help and you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends!! You will have more than 1 relationship, but when you get settle down you will be a bit selfish. Anyway, because your other half will have a pretty good amount of control in you. Be careful you tend to go for other relationships/contacts even you are married at times because of your popularity. You are someone who gets along with anyone because the number 5 is the middle number. You like changes and freedom. You are an Explorer with Magic on your face. You learn your life through experience and it's your Best Teacher!!!

 Your best matches are 1, 2, 9; Good matches are 6, 8.

Number 6

You are born to enjoy. You don't care about others, you always want to enjoy your life time. You are a person. You will be very good in either education or in business management! You are talented, kind (but only with people who you think are nice), beautiful girls and guys. Popular and more than lucky with anything in their Lives. All the goodness does comes to you. The mind and body is just made perfect. If you are a number 6 man, you will experience looks from most girls and will involve in more than few relationships until you get marry!!! If you are girl, most of them will get marry/engage early. You are caring towards your family and friends. You are a person of Compassion, Comfort & Fairness, Good judgment, and after all you can heal this world to make peace forever because you have great power of caring.

Your best matches are 1, 6, 9. Good matches are 4, 5.


Number 7

You have got the attraction to anyone out there. You are realistic, confident, happy, a talented individual in your Education, Music, Arts, Singing, and most importantly Acting. You have real problems with bad temper!! If you are girl, you are popular with the subjects listed above, you give up things for your parents, I mean you value your family status a lot. You will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age! If you are a guy, you are popular with Girl s. You are a very talented too! Most of the number 7s faces lots of problems with their marriage life. Only a very few are happy!! It's probably the Lord give you all sort of humans talents and you are about to suffer in family life, so you need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you might end-up single!!! You are wonderful, Friendly, Artistic, Happy person. You are born to contribute lot to this world!!! 

Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4.


Number 8

You are a very strong personality, there's no one out there will understand you. You are very good at pointing your finger at some thing!!! You are more likely to suffer from the early age poverty. If your times are not good you might lose either of your parents and end up looking after your entire family. You often suffer all the way in life. The problems will not allow you to tudy further, but you will learn the life in a very practical way!!! You are the one will fight for justice and may die in the war too!!! You are normally very reserved with handful of friends and most of the time, live life lonely and always prepared to help. Well, once you get marry (which is often late) then your bad lucks will go away a bit, then you become safe. Beware of un-expected problems from the terror, government, poisonous animals & accidents. You are someone with discipline, persistence, courage which will t ake you to the Success! You ar e a Great part of a team, family and a fighter!!!

 Your Best matches are 1, 4, 8. Good match is 5.

Number 9

Hey, you guys are the un-compatible people in the world, you are so strong, physically and mentally. You often have big-aims. You will work hard and hard to get there, normally you suffer in the early age from family's problems and generally you will have fighting life, but when you achieve what you have done, it's always a big-task!! You are so much respected in the community. You are a person who can make a challenge and successfully finish the matter off. You are very naughty in your younger age, often beaten up by your parents, and involve in fights and you seemed to have lots of injuries in your life time, but when you grow, you become calm and macho type!!! Tell you what, Love is not an easy matter for you. You are good in engineering or banking jobs because people always trust you! Your family life is very good, but will have worries over your children. Your qualities are humanitarian, patient, quick witted & compassionate, You are born to achieve targets and serve every one all equally without any prejudice! You are totally a Role Model to everybody in the world for a Great Inspiration!!!

Your best matches are 3, 5, 6, 9; Good match is 2.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dating Rules

The problem with the dating game is that there are dating rules to follow and most of them we forget as we grow older. You see, when we are young our fellow friends at school and college reinforce the way things should be done when dealing with potential dates. Yes you should wear that, no you never say that, yes you should do this, but no you never do that. Then we grow up. For a time we are completely aware of the rules of dating and we practice those rules every time we meet someone. But then we meet someone perhaps, fall in love and have a relationship. Little by little the things we learned over our formative years when dealing with the fairer sex are lost and are in fact unlearned.
Then one day we are unwillingly thrust back onto the dating scene only to find that we start behaving like 12 year olds. We call our dates too often, we are constantly available, we wear the wrong clothes, laugh at bad jokes like a fool, date the wrong people and generally get it all badly wrong. Then we get hurt or taken for a ride. Of course there will be some of you reading this that are the very epitome of dating sophistication, but the truth is,
when you lose your heart you also lose your head . If you are going to date well then give these key do's and don'ts of dating some serious consideration. Dating rules are very important if you want to win and keep your perfect match.


Dating Rules - Do's

1. Do try to look your best and be punctual on dates
Do have fun when dating. I know the subject of Mr. or Miss Right is serious but dating is fun too so keep it that way.
Do flatter and compliment your date on the way they look and the things they wear. People tend to go to a lot of effort on a date (hopefully) so being told that you are looking good is a nice thing to hear.
Be interested and interesting. As the Pet Shop Boys once said, I was never bored because I was never being boring" or something similar. You get my drift. 
Do tell someone if you are not interested in dating them again. Being lied to and hopes kept alive is an evil and malicious act (yes I mean it that strongly). If you don't want to see someone again then let them know that in the nicest possible way you can.
Do date the type of people you like and are attracted to, whatever your friends may say. Approval by your peers doesn't prove a thing.
Do stay positive even when dates don't end well. It is most certainly true that you will date a few frogs before you find a prince. Along the way you will meet some nice people too and make some good contacts possibly. 
Dating is a creative diversion, it requires concentration and energy so when you are dating keep some plans in the forefront of your mind and allow dating to take you to places you always wanted to visit within your own city.
Do make dating happen for yourself. People will not come and ring your bell from nowhere. Dating requires positive action so go out there and meet people, as many people as you can. Practice your chat and flirting on shop workers, bar attendants, anywhere and everywhere. Being nice to people is very sexy and great fun.
Do surround yourself with positive like minded people who are also dating. Think about the girls from Sex and the City and how they assist each other in dating and matters of romance. Negative friends who don't condone the dating scene or don't understand it will only help lower your own expectations and make you feel negative.
Dating Rules - Don'ts
Never call someone more than once a day unless they reply. Desperation and instability are huge turn offs.

Don't date the people who you usually find dump you. You may be generally attracted to bastards but that will not get you anywhere except hurt.

For men, never ever be late for a date, even if you have a very good reason. Women should never be kept waiting and should never have to seat themselves - ever.
Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on. 
Never be too available. Being available every night of the week and at the end of every whimsical phone call or possible rendezvous means you are making yourself uninteresting and a possible doormat. Be busy, be unavailable generally and be interesting.
Don't give away too much about yourself at the start. People love enigma and mystery. Revealing to your new date your inner most secrets on date number two will quickly ruin everything. A small bit at a time people.
Never check other people out when you are with your date. You may think you are subtle , your date will be heading for the door. Have the courtesy of concentrating solely on your date when you are with them.
Don't be rude or get drunk on a date. Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.
Don't ignore your personal safety when dating. Have a cellular phone and keep it charged, tell your friends where you are going and be safe. Date at first in well known public places and never ever be pushed into anything you are not happy with.
Don't give out personal information like home phone numbers and addresses on a first date. Keep them until you are sure of your date and the future possibilities.

Don't have sex on a first date if you ever want to see your new date again. If you like them and are interested in them, sex on a first date will usually ruin everything. Its too much too soon and is not the way of romance. Believe me I am ( Alagarajan ) 100% certain on this.haha
Never date a married person. They will not leave their husbands or wives for you (except exceptionally rarely). Married dating is the sure fire way to misery, lies, deceit, lack of self respect and loss of romance. If you are married, separate first. If you are single, don't be a shoulder to cry on, you deserve far better.


Love's Moments

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! and seriously i do that....

When the door of happiness closes, another opens,thats natural but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Thats Life.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Love You in 100 Language

English - I love you
Afrikaans -
Ek het jou lief
Albanian -
Te dua
Arabic -
Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic -
Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian -
Yes kez sirumen
Bambara -
M'bi fe
Bangla -
Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian -
Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya -
Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian -
Obicham te
Cambodian -
Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese -
Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan -
Cheyenne -
Ne mohotatse
Chichewa -
Corsican -
Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol -
Mi aime jou
Croatian -
Volim te
Czech -
Miluji te
Danish -
Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch -
Ik hou van jou
Esperanto -
Mi amas vin
Estonian -
Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian -
Faroese -
Eg elski teg
Farsi -
Doset daram
Filipino -
Mahal kita
Finnish -
Mina rakastan sinua
French -
Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Frisian -
Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic -
Ta gra agam ort
Georgian -
German -
Ich liebe dich
Greek -
Gujarati -
Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon -
Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian -
Aloha Au Ia`oe (Thanks Craig)
Hebrew -
Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew -
Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon -
Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi -
Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong -
Kuv hlub koj
Hungarian -
Icelandic -
Eg elska tig
Ilonggo -
Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian -
Saya cinta padamu
Inuit -
Irish -
Taim i' ngra leat
Italian -
Ti amo
Japanese -
Korean -
Sarang Heyo
Latin -
Te amo
Latvian -
Es tevi miilu
Lebanese -
Lithuanian -
Tave myliu
Malay -
Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam -
Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese -
Wo ai ni
Marathi -
Me tula prem karto
Mohawk -
Moroccan -
Ana moajaba bik
Navaho -
Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian -
Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan -
Syota na kita!!
Papiamento -
Mi ta stimabo
Persian -
Doo-set daaram
Polish -
Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese -
Eu te amo
Romanian -
Te iubesc
Russian -
Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic -
Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian -
Volim te
Sindhi -
Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux -
Slovak -
Lu`bim ta
Slovenian -
Ljubim te
Spanish -
Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili -
Ninapenda wewe
Swedish -
Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German -
Ich lieb Di
Tagalog -
Mahal kita
Taiwanese -
Wa ga ei li
Tahitian -
Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil -
Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Thai -
Chan rak khun (to male)
Turkish -
Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian -
Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu -
mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese -
Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese -
Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh -
'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yiddish -
Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba -
Mo ni fe


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

7 wonders love Secrets

Have you ever felt frustrated trying to get the one you want to want you back? Have you ever felt like the cause was hopeless and there's just nothing you can do to win their heart?

Such frustrations are common. All human beings are subject to them. While there is no way to completely avoid them, there is a way to overcome them and find success. The way requires a basic understanding of those principles that motivate the human heart, followed by a patient application of those principles.

If you will systematically apply those principles in a well thought out strategy, you will ultimately reap the rewards of your efforts.

Applying the principles is up to you, but today I wanted to share with you a few truths relating to love and romance:

  • "In Love" is a form of dependency. Therefore, if you want someone to be in love with you, you will have to make up your mind to meet their emotional needs so that they can grow dependent upon you. This includes hundreds of hours of listening to them while they talk while you, for the most part, are just attentively silent.
  • People are attracted to independence and repulsed by those who seem to cling. Therefore, to avoid scaring off a potential love you must throw in a lot of apparent aloofness while trying to win them. If you think this may confuse the one you want about your real intentions, you're right. Sorry, but that's just the way it needs to be in the early stages of romance.
  • People want what they can't have. Therefore, you have to hold back form giving yourself completely to the one you want at the first indications they're starting to become attracted to you. Instead of giving the dog the whole steak at once, feed it to him/her one bite at a time, over an extended period of time.
  • I'm speaking here of deeply shared feelings and your valuable time. Be careful with how much time and feeling you give to the one you want. As to sexual involvement, that should be withheld until after the marriage vows, or you'll reduce their incentive to get there. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?
  • People's conscious decisions are subconsciously motivated. Therefore, don't be too concerned by what the one you want says they think they want, or acts like they think they want. You should act on principle and eventually they'll realize that what they really want is you.
  • People are most drawn to a person with a positive and confident self-image. Therefore, resist the temptation to spill your feelings of self-doubt. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than somebody who insists on bursting your bubble and destroying the image they want to have of you.
  • People's attitudes are really a reflection of what you think of them. Therefore, while not wearing your heart on your sleeve, you must still prove though your actions that your friendship to them is a committed one. This takes time.
  • The longer a relationship grows, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, if you mess up along the way, take comfort in the fact that tomorrow is another day, and the fact that you prove you have lasted and learned from yesterday's hardships, will in itself increase their feelings of commitment to you in the long run.


Monday, January 19, 2009

50 Sexy Turn Ons

Wow ! i found a wonderful website as i surfing ... let me share a bite of the content.Want a way to completely turn on your partner? Try one of these 50 ways submitted by users like you! in this website.U guys also can send it ....

1. She will appear around the house semi-naked, like getting dinner and only wear an apron or wear dungarees, but no shirt or bra. -Hamish Muir

2. During lovemaking it turns me on when my girl looks me in the eye and tells me she loves me. -Miss Liz

3. He lightly runs his hands up and down my back, then gently kisses up my spine. -Megan

4. Kisses me softly on my breasts and on my inner thighs! It's just so wonderful! -Diane Elmore

5. While kissing me, he gently bites my bottom lip ~Ohhhh Yeah! -B.

6. He calls me at work in the middle of the day, unexpectedly, says "I Love You" and hangs up the phone. I absolutely enjoy this, it gets me every time and I can't wait to get home and hold him in my arms. -Joanna

7. When he whispers to me, or when he cuddles or touches me without me doing it first. -Erin

8. He uses his sensual lips and puts them on every spot of my body. -Shelly

9. Sucking on my toes! -Christina

10. He will suck my fingertips-one by one as we're watching a movie. We usually don't make it through the movie!!!! -Holly

11. He will walk up behind me and surprise me by whispering softly in my ear how much he loves me, and then he will gently kiss my neck. -Aimee

12. When she tells me that she wants to make love with me. -Steve Fremgen

13. There is definitely one spot on my neck that makes me absolutely crazy. It is the height of sensuality and ecstasy. It creates want, need, and desire. -Alicia

14. One of my turn-ons is when my boyfriend runs one finger down the back of my neck. Talk about chills. Oo!!! =) -Tasia

15. The way he comes up behind me and pulls me into him in a very close embrace. I can feel his whole body pressing against me, and feel his breath on the nape of my neck and his lips. Mmmmm that's always enough to send me over the edge. -Leigh

16. With his hands he goes down on either side of my spine and sends chills down to my toenails. It drives me crazy. -Kathy

17. Passionate kiss on the lips. -Jay Trinidad

18. When we are at a party, or somewhere where there are a lot of people, and he whispers sexy nothings into my ear! -Nicole

19. Biting on my ear gently and breathing heavily with moaning sounds. -Popeye

20. When we are kissing, which is a lot! He nibbles my ears and barely breaths my name in my ear as if we were having sex. -Trace'

21. When I am naked and he kisses me down my back, bottom, and the backs of my legs. -Tracy

22. He gives me a full body massage and then kisses all over my body. -Anonymous

23. When he presses me against the wall and looks into my eyes, and then gently holds the back of my neck and kisses me. -Molly

24. The one thing my partner does that really turns me on would have to be how he whispers dirty things in my ear when we are having foreplay. -Jennifer

25. Kissing the insides of my knees. -Christi

26. Nibbles - everywhere!!! -Debby

27. All my boyfriend has to do is kiss me. My boyfriend always has his eyes closed when we kiss, but occasionally we keep our eyes open and stare into each other's eyes while we're kissing. We've been together for almost four years and he can still get me ready to go by just kissing me. I think that's more romantic than anything I can think of. -Michele

28. It has to be the soft teasing kisses. It makes me sigh just thinking of them. -Mary

29. My boyfriend will walk up to me at the strangest times and tell me what he would like to do to me if we were alone. He loves to tell me these thing in places like church! -Marissa

30. The one thing that always gets me going is when he bites me on the back of the neck, not as soft as a little nibble but hard enough to leave a mark. I don't know what it is about that, but it just gets my juices flowing. -Charma Lay

31. A wonderful kiss that leaves me breathless and wanting more, much more! -Dorothy

32. His gentle touches when we are making love. -Bonie

33. The thing that make me wild is when my honey starts at my lips and kisses his way to my tummy! I love it when he kisses my tummy so soft and sensually. He licks an area around my belly button then blows on it, it gives me goose bumps all through my body. I LOVE IT! -Lindsay

34. He turns me on when he pays every single bit of his attention to me and looks me in the eyes. I know he really does love me, it's a meeting of our souls. -Beth

35. When he looks at me with desire in his eyes. His pupils enlarge so much I could drown in them and his face gets so intense like he can barely hold back from jumping on me and making love to me right there. -D K's Dryad

36. Silk robe and boxers. -Angel

37. I love it when she brushes her breasts over my body... that drives me wild. -Glenn

38. When she watches me lovingly while I watch TV. -Chuck

39. He puts his arm around my back and holds my face while he kisses me. -Vyunda

40. What really turns me on is when my boyfriend runs his tongue across my back and kisses my back to wake me up in the morning. -Maddy

41. How as he is touching me, hugging me, kissing me, making love to me - he is totally into it. He's not doing it JUST to make me happy, he's doing it because he really enjoys my body and being with me. What a turn-on!!! -Doryntony

42. When she removes her hair band, she leans back her head slightly and shakes her hair out so it is straight. All I can say is wow. It is a great turn on because it looks so quintessentially feminine, and she often does it in places and situations where I cannot react to it (public places, in company, etc.). That must be one of the reasons it such a turn on, I have to wait to react. -Gabriel K.

43. Teasing, in any way shape or form. -Cole

44. He always rubs my feet after I get out of the bath and that is the most intimate thing you could do for your lover. For us it always leads to really great sex! -Butterfly

45. She drives me crazy by gently kissing and blowing on my back. It sends chills up and down my spine. -L

46. Surprise me by not wearing underwear when we go out. Being creative in finding ways to let me know adds to the enjoyment. -Nick

47. My husbands' sheer enjoyment of our intimacy always makes me happy, comfortable and turns me on! The fact that he is always "up" (pun intended!) for lovemaking and is so comfortable in expressing his pleasure is a driving force in our sexual relationship. -Liss

48. My man looks into my eyes and says the most incredible things to me while lovemaking. It's like he can get into my mind and bring me to new heights using only his words and his eyes -P.J.

49. Oh My Gosh! I have to say that for me, the one thing that turns me on the most is when he talks to me. Says erotic things, like, lay back and relax honey, or you like that don't you baby. I find that it makes me get into the mood all the more, and the passion heightens as well. -Jen

50. Just being around her. I love to watch her dress. -Jack


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You...

Those meaningful expressions of love are often the best ways to say 'I love you'. Simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways go a long way in enriching your relationship and making it last forever. All it takes is a little creativity, and a genuine need to reach out to your loved one. Follow your heart, make those little gestures, and see how your love life get recharged with a new life... And if you still need a bit of prodding, here are some hints...

1) Make sure you say 'I love you' at least once each day to your spouse. Listening to you saying those words again and again is all the emotional reassurance that your partner needs to keep that spark alive.

2) Give your mate an unexpected hug, a surprisingly romantic kiss, or a teasing tickle often. These are all ways of physically reinforcing those three important words.

3) Be spontaneous and surprising with unexpected notes, winking your spouse away for an unexpected weekend alone, star-gazing together, taking a walk in the rain with one another...

4) Share memories by looking at old photographs and talking about memories you share together.

5) Schedule a day to just be leisurely together. Away from kids and the rest of the family members, away from everyday tensions and work. Great for bonding.

6) Listen. First to each other. Pay attention when your partner says something. And next, listen together... could be Beethoven or even the news... the important thing is to share your likes and dislikes.

7) Share why you love your spouse. Nothing boosts your partner's morale faster than this. No wonder it works every time.

8) Give the gift of your time by performing trivial chores for your spouse, such as folding clothes, running an errand, washing the car, etc.

9) Don't forget anniversaries and birthdays. Never. Nothing brings about the crumbling of an affair faster than this.

10) Smile. Often. At each other, for no reason at all, together at something else...

11) Blow your partner a kiss from across the room - this is the most romantic gesture that the French ever discovered.

12) Dance with your spouse in your own living room. Plan a surprise, if you can. the minute your partner walks into the room, the music goes on. So do the lights, and you waltz into his or her arms. There is something very romantic about waltzing in your own house.

13) Hold hands. Yet another simple action, but great for sustaining a relationship.

14) Plan and cook a meal together. And eat it over candlelight.

15) Send love notes to each other... keeps you on his or her mind even when out of sight. These days, SMSes have taken over, and people have forgotten how to write those cute little handwritten notes to each other. But the fact is, nothing beats them when it comes to the sheer romanticism, and of course, communication.

1. Where to leave those love notes...

2. On an egg in the refrigerator

3. Inside a book your spouse is reading

4. On the refrigerator door

5. On your mate's pillow

6. In one of your spouse's shoes

7. On the computer or television

8. On the dashboard of your spouse's car

9. Inside your partner's favourite glass

10. In one of your partner's drawers

11. Tucked inside a CD or DVD plastic sleeve

12. On the bathroom mirror

13. Via email or cell phone message

14. Inside one of the coat pockets

15. Inside your spouse's lunch box

16. Inside your mate's favourite bag of chips or a package of cookies

17. etc........


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Flirting Tips For Dating Success

Flirting Tips For Dating Success
Flirting is not rocket science. It is simply a common sense method of letting people know you’re available without being tacky or obnoxious. AND… if done properly, it is your best chance at snagging your future partner! So, get ready to demystify the art of flirting with these five fabulous flirting tips. Practice your new moves on the object of your desire this weekend…

#1: Be Sincere
If you’re going to flirt, you need to be real about it. Anyone can spot a fake a mile away. If you’re feeling insecure about your flirting skills, don’t start with your secret crush since the 10th grade. Begin in a situation you are most comfortable with. If you’re going to pay compliments to someone, be sincere about them. Really mean what you are saying and your results will be well worth the effort.

#2: Smile
A smile is the simplest form of flattery. It shows that you are genuinely interested in the other person, and for that one single moment they are the only thing on your mind. Never underestimate the power of a smile.

#3: Touch
Touch is an obvious sign of interest. Used correctly it can be a subtle way of getting a person’s undivided attention. Rest a hand on their arm or on their knee when you are talking. Engage in activities that promote touch, such as dancing. Just be careful not to appear too flirtatious. The last thing you want to do is send the wrong signals.

#4: Hold Eye Contact
How do you make the object of your affection weak in the knees? Hold that meaningful gaze for just a few seconds longer than normal. Show them you’re not one to turn away from something great!

#5: Be Interested In Them
Want to know if they are worthy of your undivided attention? Find out more by asking them open-ended questions about themselves. Show off your flirting skills by showing them you are actually listening to what they are saying.

Bonus Tip:
Don’t forget to show your appreciation for the person spending time with you. Always thank the person you are with, and let them know if you had a good time with them. A little politeness goes a long way to making you the next catch of the day.

Write Back!
What are your best flirting tips? Have you used a flirting tip above with or without success? Let me know! Or, share your BEST ways for flirting! ya friends 


Monday, January 12, 2009

Funny Pick Up Lines

Funny Pick Up Lines

hmm... i think u guys know how to start in writing a letter.ok, now i Think you've heard the worst or funniest pick up line ever? Then you'll love these!

1. Is your dad a thief or something? Because someone stole the stars and put them into your eyes!

2. I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I can sure make your bed rock!

3. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

4. I lost my number, can I have yours?

5. Is your father a baker? Because those sure are some nice buns!

6. Call the police!! It has to be illegal to look that fine!

7. Is your father a terrorist? Because you're the bomb!

8. You: Excuse me can I borrow a quarter, it is an emergency?
Other: Yea sure, what's wrong?
You: My mom told me to give her a call the first time I fell in love.

9. If you were a Sprite, I'd obey my thirst!

10. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?

11. You: You look like my second wife!
Other: How many times have you been married?
You: Once!

12. If I told you you had a gorgeous body, would you hold it against me?"

13. If I followed you home, would you keep me?

14. Damn, I'm glad I'm not blind!

15. Go over to the person with a sugar packet and say, "Excuse me, I think you dropped your name tag."

16. Are you an over due book? Because you've got FINE written all over you!

17. If you were a booger, I'd pick you.

18. Baby you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night!

19. The body is made up of 90% water and I'm thirsty.

20. Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.

21. I was once told that our souls had met, now only our hearts had to be introduced.

22. Is your name Gillette? Because you're the best a man can get!

23. I think I need to call heaven because they've lost one of their angels.

24. You dropped your smile; can I pick it up for you?

25. Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.

26. If someone is wearing a shirt with writing on it, go up to them and ask them, "Can I read your shirt in brail?"

27. Smile if you want to sleep with me!

28. You know what would look great on you? Me.

29. You must be the reason for global warming because you're hot.

30. Am I cute enough yet? Or do you need more to drink?

31. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.

32. Are you sure that we haven't met somewhere in a past life?

33. I wish I were a tear so I could start in your eyes, live on your face, and die on your lips.

34. I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.

35. Can I buy you a drink - or would you just prefer the five bucks?

36. You: What are you doing around Easter??
Other: WHY?
You: I might want to hop around.

37. Can I have directions to your heart?

38. Excuse me, but I'm new in town, can I have directions to your place?

39. When God made you he had to have broken the mold because I have never seen anything as beautiful as you.

40. I've heard sex is a killer, wanna die happy?

41. My name isn't Elmo, but you can tickle me anytime you want to!

42. Excuse me, are your initials M & M? Cause you look so good I bet you'd melt in my mouth.

43. "I've lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?"

44. If beauty were a drop of milk, you would be a cow.

45. If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, what do you say about me spending some time between the holidays?

46. I may not be the best looking guy around here, but I'm the only one talking to you.

47. I'm Milk; I'll do your body good!!

48. Can I have a band-aid? I scraped my knees when I fell for you.

49. Hey, your lips look a little wrinkled! Would you like me to press them for you?

50. You should get to know my name now, because you'll be screaming it all night!!

51. You: "Everytime you walk into the room, you drop something."
Other: "Oh yeah? What's that?"
You: "My jaw."

52. Your parents must be retarded because you're soooo special.

53. Lick your finger and put it on her blouse and say, "We should get you out of those wet clothes."

54. You're like lice; I can't get you out of my head.

55. If I were Peter Pan, you would be my happy thought.

56. Man: Do you prefer strawberries or blueberries?
Woman: Why?
Man: So I know what kind of pancakes to make you in the morning.

57. If you don't want to regret this in the morning, we'll sleep 'till noon!

58. If you were a hamburger at McDonald's, you'd be a McGorgeous.

59. You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.

60. The fact that I am missing my teeth just means there is more room for your tongue.

ok. thats it. u can use those line but they will think u are funny guy coz it is funny pickup line what.


Writing a letter may seem like an ancient ritual

In the age of e-mail and contact forms, writing a letter may seem like an ancient ritual that is practiced only by those of earlier generations, but there are many rewards to sitting down and expressing yourself on paper. As i early mentioned how to write a love letter now i going to share the sequence to write a letter...

1. The opening should be great . for example :  "Hello (name)," or "Hey (name)," 

2. Begin with "How are you?" . etc

3. Keep your each paragraph engaging.

4. In a closing always use "Love always" ,  "Sincerely", etc

To : Unknown

I just love you because I do. I can't change it. Its not my choice. I wish I didn't, but that's how love is. I can't say a word about you. I have to forget about you. I wish you didn't make it so difficult for both. There are things I wish I could tell you. There are many things I need tell you, but I can't find the way. I can't find you. Your way of looking life is different from mine. I can't change it. Its not my choice. I wish I didn't love you. I can't forget about you. I just wish it could all work out like it once happened.

Your Love ,


Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to Write a Sweet Love Letter

We attend to feel good when we make the people we love feel happy. basically, why we write love letter ?  he or she does that makes you happy and wants you to describe those things in your own words.

First step : Feel the same way you felt the very first time you met your love.

second step : talk about the last encounter you two had, or what you'd like to do next time you meet.

third step : Describe your experiences using your own words

forth step : Write your own, original words ( You don't have to be Shakespeare to write the perfect love letter. )

fifth step : There's no rule that says you have to use poetry in a love letter

sixth step : Once your letter is complete, read it over carefully and check for errors. This letter will be read over and over. You don't want a mistake spoiling the mood.

seventh step : Once the letter is complete, drop it in the mail and wait for a great response. If you're lucky, you just might get a love letter yourself.     

As u all known im not so good in writing love letter , coz im more prepare to say directly to face to face. its depends on a person how they wanna express their love ... here i write one of my love letter and u guys have to love it coz i took 2 month to write it using longman dictionary ...haha , so fun writing a love letter....

( was created using photoshop cs3 )

To : Unknown

It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this. Dear, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that " true love " is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence. Dear, our love has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you again. You are my Charming Prince, and I am your devoted Princess. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be. Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace, and my most passionate kiss .

Love always,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blogging World ( the latest sci-fi creature )

Finally , i came to blogging world ( the latest sci-fi creature ), where people use for business purposes , political , fashion , education ,and others function as more personal online diaries with articles, writings, photos, Web links or other entries made by the blogs' creators, or "bloggers."

my blog will be towards love , my own modeling , inspiration , advices and some of my memory....

As today is my first day... i share my own love quotes with u guys... which is...

1 . "Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at the sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!"

2. "If every drop of rain was a thought of you, I'd have every storming cloud in the the world inside my head and I'd still miss you."

3. "If I knew missing you was going to be a part of my life, I never would have let you in."

4. "I don't want to dream of you anymore. I want you for real."