Friendster Layouts

Monday, April 27, 2009

How to Get Your Crush (for Boys and Girls)

Do you have a crush? Here's what to do.

Smile and occasionally look at them from across the room, then look away. Repeat until they smile back or approach you. If the smile seems a bit full on, try glancing at them, then look away for a split second. If they are interested they will most likely still be looking at you. If so, you could try a smile or if you're daring, approach him or her.

Go up and introduce yourself to him or her. Guys/girls normally will turn on to you if you act friendly and flirt at a minimum, not if you full out lunge at them, which may freak them out. Be confident, not cocky! Just be yourself. People relax a lot better if the other person is relaxed as well. Don't press, keep the conversation small, you just met. Be calm, cool, and collected.

If you are not so sure that they like you, ask them to do something outside of school; possibly bring them to a park or with your friend and possibly his or hers as well. Then if things are going well ask if they want to go for a walk with you or something. Just you and them; nobody else.

If you feel that you're okay with it, tell them how you feel. Make sure they like you too; if not, things could get awkward.

Do your research about them, learn their favorite sport, hobby, etc. People are more attracted to those who are smart and those who take an interest in them. Read their Myspace or Facebook profile for interest if they have one.

Make sure to have gum or mints. No one likes bad breath.

Ask them out! They are usually hoping for you to do it (if you're a guy). Girls on the other hand might really want you, but they are sometimes a bit more nervous and don't want to seem "pushy & aggressive".

If they reject you, you can always have a clever comeback! Like if you go up to them and ask,"Do you like me?" and they say,"Yes, as a friend." then you could say back,"Good. Me too. I was just asking because I thought you didn't like me as a friend..." and so on and so forth.

Maybe if things are going well and you and the boy or girl have been talking in school for a while, you can get their number!

Flirt with other boys/girls! If you really like them then flirt in front of them. This gives you the chance to see their reaction. If they laugh or smile they probably have no interest in you, but be careful they may be hiding their emotions.

1. Sometimes, it is a bad idea to tell all of your friends you like someone. The best of friends can go ahead and tell your crush without your permission.

2. Try new looks; a new haircut can do wonders to your confidence.

3. A friendly smile is your best weapon.

4. Try to make them laugh; humor is the best aphrodisiac.

5. Do not insult and pick fights when you are around him or her; petty malice is not attractive.

6. Do not hang all over your crush, he or she might think it is weird. Being too clingy is a turn off.

7. Do not try to annoy your crush, but don't shower him/her too much in compliments either. Balance is good.

8. Do not stalk your crush. For example, having pictures of him or her, and following your crush are common stalking behaviors.

9. If your crush already has feelings for another person, it is okay to still talk, unless they find it annoying. Wait for a more appropriate time.

10. If you think the person returns your feelings, casually say or hint your true feelings. Do not get emotional with a big confession. If your crush does not feel the same way as you do, then just smile and walk away.


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